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EngageinEnglish's Shop

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Providing engaging and exciting resources for memorable lessons!




Providing engaging and exciting resources for memorable lessons!
Literacy Health Check - Complete Lesson

Literacy Health Check - Complete Lesson

A literacy ‘health check’ booklet containing 25 questions, ideal for Y6-Y9 low or average ability range. The short assessment is intended as a brief, low pressure test (hence the ‘health check’ not a ‘test’) and comprises of simple fill-in-the-blanks questions on: capital letters; there, their and they’re; to and too; apostrophes and common spelling errors. Included on the Power Point are all the answers to the test, as well as a starter and literacy plenary ideas. All resources are included at the back of the Power Point. Attractive 21 page Power Point includes: • Title page. • Fun facts - true or false starter. • Literacy objectives page. • Prompt pages for the test. • Full answers for each section. • Reflective area for students to respond to on the back of the test. • Discussion prompt. • Creative literacy word search activity (provided at the back of the Power Point.) • Links to a literacy ‘Block Buster’ online game and image. • All resources, with instructions on how to create the booklet. You may also be interested in poetic terms full lesson: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/poetic-terms-full-lesson-11184997 For more great resources and lessons, visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
The Haunting - Horror Creative Writing, Complete Lesson

The Haunting - Horror Creative Writing, Complete Lesson

A group of friends find themselves trapped in an old hotel, only to suffer strange lucid dreams and terrifying nightly visitations. Will they escape or go insane? And what is the significance of the black rose? Visually attractive, creative horror story lesson complete with all resources needed for a fun engaging lesson or series of lessons. (At least two lessons will be required to complete the story.) Power point includes: * Attractive title page. * Story scenario – dramatic scenario (as above). * Complete lesson objectives and outcomes (WALT and WILF) - with the focus on higher attaining students to use descriptive language for effect and to build up tension and drama within the story. * Character cards page (with example, included) where students complete their own characters on special cards (resources included at the back of the Power Point.) * Planning sheet giving students a structured method in which to write an effective story (included at the back of the Power Point.) * A review prompt to discuss writing so far. * A review peer-assessment prompt which should set students up to continue the story next lesson. * Each slide gives students a “TEEP” instruction at the start of the slide, indicating which sort of activity is involved at each stage. ***Now available in a dystopian and horror bundle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/dystopian-and-horror-bundle-11219710 *Now available as a four lesson bundle – four great lessons for £6.95!* https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/creative-writing-four-lesson-bundle-11256414 (Credits: Donney Nunley, Circus Tricks, Flickr.com. Emo Attitude, Haunted Boy, Deviant art.)
Three Lesson Gothic Bundle Pack

Three Lesson Gothic Bundle Pack

3 Resources
A fantastic, three lesson gothic bundle pack, featuring: * The Beast of Bodmin Moor - Fact or Fiction This is a team investigation lesson where students get to judge far themselves by considering different sources what they think of the 'Beast Myth' * Dracula Extract Analysis * The Hound of the Baskervilles Two lessons based on an extract analysis of these texts. For more information, check out each link. Thanks. For more great resources and full lessons visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Sugar Tax - Writing to Argue and Persuade - Letter Writing

Sugar Tax - Writing to Argue and Persuade - Letter Writing

Sugar Tax - Writing to Argue and Persuade - Letter A topical writing to argue and persuade lesson on the new sugar tax! Visually attractive lesson, guaranteed to promote debate. This is the writing to argue letter lesson. If you prefer this lesson as a main task to write a lively article you can find that at the link below: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sugar-tax-writing-to-argue-and-persuade-11255722 Lesson Power Point includes a shock starter, learning objectives, links to video clips for information on the sugar tax and planning prompts throughout. BBC article included. Visit my page for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish You may also be interested in this letter activity resource: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/letter-card-sort-11034807 (Credits, BBC and Youtube.)
About You Complete Lesson - Ideal Lesson to get to know your Class

About You Complete Lesson - Ideal Lesson to get to know your Class

All about you - a perfectly simple, but engaging lesson which explores students' wishes, dreams and hopes. The lesson is ideal as an introductory lesson or just as a one-off lesson any time. The main lesson objectives include testing students' ability to think creatively with emphasis on attention to detail and descriptive writing skills. Attractive lesson Power Point includes: * Word link puzzle starter activity. * Mini-task - three wishes, students choose any three wishes they would choose if given the choice (simple writing frame included for lower ability students.) * Dream home and location - students choose their dream house and location (simple writing frame included for lower ability students.) * Ideal job - students choose their ideal job (simple writing frame included for lower ability students.) * Main task perfect day - students describe their perfect day (writing frame and word bank included.) * Puzzle plenary activity. No photocopying or printing required, simply download and teach - word document writing frame included if needed. See my shop page for more lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish All images are copyright free (pixabay, wiki and clipart).
The New British Banknotes Presentation

The New British Banknotes Presentation

The New British Banknotes Presentation A 36 page attractive bumper presentation of the faces of the new banknotes – Sir Winston Churchill, JMW Turner and Jane Austen! Presentation includes: facts, biography, quotes, images, links to video clips, questions and more! Ideal for form time, assemblies or as a basis for many different types of lessons. For more great resources see here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits given in the presentation.)
Prince - Music Legend - Bio, Facts and Quiz

Prince - Music Legend - Bio, Facts and Quiz

An informative Power Point on Prince, the talented musician and singer, who tragically passed away recently. The 23 page Power Point contains relevant bio information, unusual facts and a quick quiz to finish and is useful for form time or other such activities. For more resources or lessons visit my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Photo Credits: Africanindy.com, NME.)
Fun Quiz and Find the Word Starter Pack!!

Fun Quiz and Find the Word Starter Pack!!

A bumper 68 page quiz pack, featuring riddles, logo quiz, catchphrases and more and a find the word starter pack of 5! For more great resources, see my page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Horror, Comedy and Writing to Argue Bundle Pack

Horror, Comedy and Writing to Argue Bundle Pack

3 Resources
An excellent bundle of horror, comedy and writing to argue resources, featuring: * The Haunting - Complete Lesson * Karl Pilkington's SPAG and PEE starters * The Sugar Tax Tried and tested resources. Click on the links for more details, thank you. For more great lessons and resources see my shop here:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Horror, Comedy and Travel Bundle Pack

Horror, Comedy and Travel Bundle Pack

3 Resources
An excellent bundle of horror, comedy and travel featuring: * The Haunting - Complete Lesson * Karl Pilkington's SPAG and PEE starters * Campervan Travels Tried and tested resources. Click on the links for more details, thank you. For more great lessons and resources see my shop here:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
Horror, Comedy and Curious Lesson Bundle

Horror, Comedy and Curious Lesson Bundle

3 Resources
An excellent collection of horror, comedy and curious lesson bundle featuring: * The Haunting - Complete Lesson * Karl Pilkington's SPAG and PEE starters * The Magic Lamp Tried and tested resources. Click on the links for more details, thank you. For more great lessons and resources see my shop here:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
The Sugar Tax - Writing to Argue and Persuade

The Sugar Tax - Writing to Argue and Persuade

A topical writing to argue and persuade lesson on the new sugar tax! Visually attractive lesson, guaranteed to promote debate. Lesson Power Point includes a shock starter, learning objectives, links to video clips for information on the sugar tax and planning prompts throughout. BBC article included. Visit my page for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits, BBC and Youtube.)
The Spooky Resource Collection 2

The Spooky Resource Collection 2

6 Resources
The Spooky Resource Collection 2 A collection of inspirational 'spooky' complete lessons and resources. See the links for further details. Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/foggy-mist-forest-trees-spooky-545838/)
The Horror and Comedy Collection 3

The Horror and Comedy Collection 3

5 Resources
The Horror and Comedy Collection 3 A collection of exciting horror and comedy complete lessons and resources. Fantastic value! See the links for further details. Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/ghosts-gespenter-spooky-horror-572038/)
The Fun with Words Collection 3

The Fun with Words Collection 3

4 Resources
The Fun with Words Collection 3 A collection of fun and engaging literacy resources, complete lessons and activities. Fantastic value for money download and a real time saver. See the links for further details. Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/book-old-clouds-tree-birds-bank-863418/
The Hauntings - A Collection of Ghost Lessons

The Hauntings - A Collection of Ghost Lessons

6 Resources
The Hauntings - A Collection of Ghost Lessons A collection of exciting creative and descriptive haunting lessons, kids will love. Amazing value! See the links for further details. Visit my shop for more great lessons and resources: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish (Credits: cooltext.com, copyright free image: https://pixabay.com/en/ghosts-gespenter-spooky-horror-572038/)
The Christmas Market Descriptive Writing Bundle Pack 2

The Christmas Market Descriptive Writing Bundle Pack 2

3 Resources
The Christmas Market Descriptive Writing Bundle Pack 2 An excellent collection for Christmas, featuring an exciting Christmas lesson, a Christmas fun pack and a quiz pack collection. Click on the links for further details! Also available is the ultimate Christmas bundle which you may prefer instead, featuring three whole Christmas lessons and the Christmas fun pack. Just £5.50. A must download. Download this below: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-ultimate-christmas-bundle-11425592 For more great resources, visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish
A Christmas Murder Bundle Pack 2

A Christmas Murder Bundle Pack 2

3 Resources
A Christmas Murder Bundle Pack An excellent collection for Christmas, featuring an exciting Christmas lesson, a Christmas fun pack and a quiz pack collection. Click on the links for further details! Also available is the ultimate Christmas bundle which you may prefer instead, featuring three whole Christmas lessons and the Christmas fun pack. Just £5.50. A must download. Download this below: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-ultimate-christmas-bundle-11425592 For more great resources, visit my shop page here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/EngageinEnglish